Hi there, I know it’s been a while, to be honest life has just got in the way. I know I have to take my hat off to those that go through trial and tribulations and still manage to keep their lives on track. Unfortunately I am not that person, although I do try to have it together as much as I can.

So much as happened since I actually moved to the USA, but more so in the past two years.

My Blog has always been about me inspiring others to take the leap of faith and step out of their comfort zones. I always try to encourage as much as I can, because I want to see others succeed. However at times I have felt lost and not knowing which direction to turn too.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have set myself up to have been in a good financial position, to do a lot of things others could only dream about. I want to share with you what I have been doing and what I’m currently doing as a way of recording my journey and looking back on the failures and successes.

I believe that my journey may and could help many others who too are on a journey to either finding themselves, looking for financial freedom or just want to try something different.

If this is you why not join me in my Facegroup book, where you will be amongst other women, just like us who are finding our purpose.

My group is called S.O.A.R. which stands for Seek Opportunities to Aspire and Rise.

I’ll tell you how SOAR was created in another post, but for now why not join us and share the vision.