When life throws us lemons most of us will run for the hills, whilst others may stay and deal with it head on. It might take the rest of us a bit of time to sit back and reflect what needs to be the next step or we may just choose to bury our head in the sand and hope it all just disappears.
We are all individuals so what may be good for you is not necessarily gonna be good me and that is why we all deal with adversity and problems in different ways.
I am writing this post today to illustrate how I was able to turn those Lemons life had thrown at me and turned them in Lemonade.
You see when you are going through stuff you feel that there is no way out of that dark tunnel. How can you ever survive? How are you ever going to look certain people in the face again? Why is life so unfair? Why me? What did I do to deserve this and the list goes on and on.
I know because I was there at that dark place, so I am talking from experience. I have shared my story before but the long and short of it is, I was raised by my Step grandmother and grandfather from the age of 6 months old. My step grandmother who I’ve always known as mum passed away in 2017 and that’s when I was thrown all the lemons you can imagine.
Boy did things get sour very fast. Much faster than I had expected actually. To be honest with you what took place was a turn of events I could never of dreamt would have happened. And that my dear was the start of me deciding that I was going to rise from this unforeseen situation and turn my life around.
In the next post I will explain in further details how I went about making the transformation I needed to get my life back on track